Art Prints

Venice art posters city map
Art prints with maps is something that I love the most. This is incredible for me to find out the shapes of the city in every day life. I walk through the vast number of streets here in Tokyo and  I am amazed what I can discover.

Every time I see a metro plan or a local area map I sea it as a part of something bigger. I know the bigger part. I have studied it for hours preparing my designs to create street map. But these pieces inspire me to look on it from different angle. Small area can be as much as interesting as a huge one. I try to remember the parts of the whole that I have seen and I have discovered for myself to better map my city. The next time I see my decorative maps of that city in my mind I highlighted parts of the map that I already know. I feel about the city as a puzzle. I know the whole image from the box cover but I got only the puzzles I have been into. Now, get the image done.

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